Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Process Note

More of us are accessing online sites maintained by some online-only and actual print media news outlets. Recently more of these are requiring subscriptions to access their material. Apparently online advertising isn't paying their bills. 

I've noted that Politico now has most of their articles behind a paywall. With the Wall Street Journal it is hit or miss, some behind, others not. 

Essentially everything in the LA Times, Washington Post, and New York Times is paywalled. The Apple news site on my phone and tablet now is linking to what feels like a majority of you-need-a-subscription-to-read-this articles. 

When this happens, the site providing the links becomes less useful to me, and one suspects to others. Eventually some of these aggregators will go out of business.

Interestingly, certain sites have begun to publish full articles out from behind the paywalls. prints a lot of The Atlantic articles, though not all. reprints some NYT articles otherwise not available. 

A workaround I've found sometimes works is the following. If an aggregator gives you a NYT or WaPo or other title and you find it behind a paywall, copy the title, enclose in quote marks, and search it on the web. There is a fair chance some small town paper buys the big paper's opinion columns and posts them for all to read.