Thursday, October 15, 2020

Alert 2.0

Remember the Hunter Biden computer content leak story we wrote about yesterday? The original story mentioned the FBI has had the computer since December but I didn't focus on the relevance of that fact.

So the FBI had a hard drive with a former Vice President's son smoking crack and doing sex with some unidentified woman. It also contained emails revealing influence peddling by said ex-VP who was then campaigning for the Democrat nomination to run for president.

Writing a column at PJ Media, Megan Fox asks why the FBI did nothing with this information? If the repair guy hadn't made his own copy of the drive, and shared it with Rudi Giuliani, we'd have never learned of it. Fox writes:

Why didn’t the FBI come forward with this evidence about Hunter Biden’s emails, which appear to show collusion and influence-trading? Isn’t that something they should have told the president or members of Congress? Was the FBI deliberately covering it up? (snip) If true, it’s a stunning indictment of the FBI that an American citizen—who alerted them to alleged multiple crimes involving a guy with the last name Biden—knew not to trust them and made other arrangements should they try to cover it up (which, apparently, they did).

FBI Director Wray must get out ahead of this story with a credible explanation before sunset today. Failure to do so means his FBI career is over by Friday of election week, regardless of who wins.