Sunday, October 4, 2020

Another Brick in the Wall

The last day of the Obama administration, an email with attached letter was sent by the outgoing White House counsel to a list of recipients. WND reports copy of that email has been pried loose via the FOIA by American Center for Law and Justice. Hat tip to for the link.

ACLJ writes:

We sent a FOIA request regarding former FBI Director Comey's spies inside the White House: Anthony Ferrante, Jordan Rae Kelly, and Tashina Gauhar. It's important to remember that one of those was the liaison to the FBI. One held a tech job and somehow got to stay in the White House. And one was at the National Security Council.
ACLJ reports many names on the distribution list are blacked out but two are not: former FBI Director James Comey and former Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe. ACLJ has been unable to get a copy of the attached letter as it is classified. They are suing to get it.

This letter could be as innocuous as thanks for your service, good luck in your new endeavors. Or it could be more of the “spy on Trump” stuff they’re known for, along the lines of “keep your head down, your eyes open and the info flowing.” 

The letter’s classified nature argues for the latter. The ‘Comeycrats apparently viewed the incoming Trump administration as the equivalent of Nazi occupiers and they styled themselves after the French “resistance” complete with stay-behind moles. 

They were self-deluded freaks, I suppose. Something of a cult, playing at mock heroics. I hope they have enough self-awareness to be embarrassed at how silly their antics and comments appear in hindsight.