Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Inside Politics

Steven Hayward of Power Line takes a deeper-than-usual dive into Democratic politics, and finds that it is White Democrats who have move leftward in recent years. Non-White Democrats are more centrist, more supportive of controlling illegal immigration. And perhaps more likely to vote for Trump.

He reports that Republicans have been doing a much better job of registering new voters than have Democrats in the battleground states of FL, PA, and NC. Only in AZ have the Dems registered more and their margin in AZ is slender. Hayward’s observation: 

This has been a deliberate strategy of the Trump campaign for the last three years. You don’t think those huge rallies in places like Minnesota are just for fun, do you?

Not that Trump doesn’t enjoy the rallies, he obviously does. Nothing wrong with enjoying your work, I always say. 

What performer doesn’t love an appreciative audience? I’ve had ‘em and it’s a great feeling.