Sunday, October 25, 2020

Journalists Told to Lie for Biden

The Washington Examiner quotes a piece of advice to fellow journalists written for The Washington Post Perspectives section, by someone named Thomas Rid. He writes:

Take a step back, and the Russian interference of 2016 holds valuable lessons on what to do and what not to do in 2020. We must treat the Hunter Biden leaks as if they were a foreign intelligence operation — even if they probably aren’t.

I presume the editors of the WaPo are not in violent disagreement with this advice, since they published it. By doing so the WaPo has sacrificed its right to call itself a "newspaper."  

WaPo is still a publication - by definition - but when it knowingly publishes things it knows not to be true it is no longer in the news business. It has become a self-confessed propaganda mill. 

Perhaps we need to convene a celebration of life for journalism. If journalism hasn't died, it appears to be on life support. Hat tip to Ed Driscoll blogging at Instapundit for the link.