Thursday, October 8, 2020


If you noticed that I didn’t post yesterday, after the VP debate, it was because we were in a location with no WiFi connection. We are in transit from the high country down to the coastal lowlands where we winter.

From what I’ve read of that debate, Pence did the better job. This isn’t surprising, Kamala Harris has a track record of being a poor spokesperson for herself. After all, Harris was so uninspiring she dropped out of the race for the presidential nomination before a single vote was cast by anyone.

Given Biden’s age and frailty, his Veep could become our next president. Harris surpasses Obama in terms of personal shallowness and could be an even poorer president.

Pence on the other hand was an excellent governor and would make a good POTUS. As moderator, Susan Page did a better job than Chris Wallace, but was still clearly biased against Pence.