Sunday, October 11, 2020

Pundit Predicts Trump Landslide

Kevin McCullough writes opinion at Townhall, today he looks at the various indicators of what will happen when November’s votes are tallied. He argues, and I concur, that the polls are literally the only indicator which predict a Biden win. 

He then discusses several other indicators which strongly suggest a Trump landslide. If you’d like a mood lifter, you owe it to yourself to read his column. 

For those in a hurry or already enjoying as much euphoria as the law allows, I’ll just list the other indicators. McCullough cites evidence that Republicans are twice as likely as Democrats to conceal their true voting intentions. He cites hard-to-ignore evidence of a huge gap in voter enthusiasm, including the boat, truck, and car parades for Trump. He mentions Biden’s anemic ‘crowds.’ 

There is considerable evidence Trump is doing much better with Black and Hispanic voters than any Republican in recent memory. He adds in promises kept, where Trump has done very well, and also the booming economy Trump had going before the Chinese virus hit.

Is McCullough correct? We’ll know in a month, won’t we? I believe he makes a decent argument. Hat tip to for the link.