Thursday, October 22, 2020

NPR Bans Anti-Biden Stories

Daily Wire and Breitbart are both reporting National Public Radio is refusing to report the story about sleaze emails and pedophile pix on Hunter Biden's computer. NPR Tweeted:

Why haven’t you seen any stories from NPR about the NY Post’s Hunter Biden story? We don’t want to waste our time on stories that are not really stories, and we don’t want to waste the listeners’ and readers’ time on stories that are just pure distractions.

It is long past time federal subsidies were withdrawn from NPR and maybe PBS. I resent my tax dollars being wasted on leftist propaganda mills. If progressives want to support them with out-of-pocket contributions as non-profit co-ops, I have no problem. 

There is non-news programming on PBS I do like; British mysteries, science programs, history and some music shows. Their news shows are very one-sided and the people-are-destroying-the-earth message in their nature programs is entirely overdone.