Friday, October 23, 2020

The Too Late Debate

The final debate of the 2020 presidential election was held last night. Most commenters believe Trump had the better of it, but many wonder if it mattered given how many have voted early.

As an often-contrarian, I suspect all who’ve voted early were clear in their own minds for whom they would vote and were unlikely to be swayed by a debate performance. In other words, it probably didn’t matter much. 

In future cycles, if lots of mail voting will be on offer, the debates should be scheduled earlier before the voting begins. Now we wait until Nov. 3. 

Do we end up with (a) the reality TV star back for another four years, or do we get (b) four years of the low-energy swamp creature? And are the results accepted calmly or do we have a mini-civil war in the city streets? 

Danged if we don’t live in times interesting to a would-be pundit ....