Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Being the Un-Trump

Joe Biden and his handlers are making an interesting bet. They're betting there are enough people who don't like Donald Trump to elect Biden. 

If Biden has a program he hasn't spent much time talking about it. Quite simply, he hasn't spent much time talking publicly at all. When he has spoken, he's pretty much limited himself to gauzy feel-good platitudes.

The Biden campaign believe they've learned the lesson of 2016 - when enough people voted against Hillary to elect Donald. Essentially they are trying to replicate Trump's 2016 "I'm not the person you dislike so much" pitch and, like him, win on the basis of it. It may work.

I'll admit I found Hillary repulsive, but I voted for Trump because I liked what he said he was for: defended borders, repatriating manufacturing jobs, an America-first foreign policy, less foreign war, reducing governmental regulation, and conservative, originalist judges. My judgment: he's delivered on most of these, and tried to do so on the balance. 

Trump accomplished much of what he promised in spite of the Democrat "resistance" with which the media and academia collaborated. If he was sometimes wrong about Covid-19, so was every supposed 'expert' as a new disease always has surprises for us.