Monday, October 26, 2020


I keep track of the weather in Wyoming where we are domiciled, even when we’re elsewhere exercising the snowbird right (rite?) of cold weather avoidance. Last night the weather was predicted to drop to -2℉ and it was at that level when I checked it just now, at what would be just after 7 a.m. Mountain Time.

This is cold for a few days before Halloween, it’s still October after all. That’s all you need to know about why we are snowbirds. Like the migratory birds and mammals, we find winter is a great time to migrate to lower elevations and warmer temperatures.

About half of those who live in WY all year envy our ability to depart for warmer climes. The other half really like winter and many of them snowmobile, ski or snowboard, all of which does look like fun for those younger and more agile than I.