Sunday, October 25, 2020

Different Strokes

Writing at Townhall, Beth Baumann headlines a column as follows:

A Little More Than a Week from Election Day and Biden Calls an Early Lid

I presume she thinks this choice is folly. I'm not so sure she is correct. Let me propose an contrarian explanation. 

The more people see of Joe Biden, the worse he does. The more they see of Donald Trump, the better he does. So each is playing to his strength, Trump by holding rallies and Biden by staying mostly out of view.

People who dislike Trump enough to vote for Biden don't want to be reminded of the drawbacks their choice involves. People who like Trump enjoy both the chance to see him in person, as friends of ours did a week ago in Carson City, and watching him on TV revving up the overflow crowds.

Trump was already a successful developer when he discovered he enjoyed being a performer. Whether or not he wins reelection, I am certain he has had a blast doing the campaign rallies. It is a performer's dream, SRO packed houses and unlimited adulation. He gets to pig out on standing Os.