Monday, October 19, 2020

What I Believe

I believe the United States is a fundamentally good country, imperfect as all human institutions are, but good nevertheless. I believe our history mostly noble, our founders awesomely farsighted, and our intentions generally benign. 

I believe the U.S. is less racist than most countries, that it celebrates religious freedom, including the freedom to be irreligious, that it treats women, minorities, and the sexually unconventional better than most nations, and that our capitalism with generally encouraging government oversight produces more economic benefit for more people more of the time than any other system. 

Good as our country is, it should not welcome all the world's poor to our shores. High human density is the enemy of quality of life. We need to make things better for the people already here.

If you believe what I believe, or something close thereto, your choice in this election is unambiguous. President Donald J. Trump believes what you and I do, as do his associates and most elected members of his party. He (and they) deserve to be reelected.

Poor Joe Biden has claimed so many conflicting 'beliefs' over the years it's hard to know what he believes, if anything. Honestly, it doesn't much matter as he is a "front man" or shill for his party's real leaders. 

What is sadly clear is that his supporters and advisors believe the U.S. is a badly flawed country populated by bad people and needs reengineering, or perhaps a revolution. He appears to have engaged in "pay for play" influence peddling with his son and perhaps his brother. He does not deserve your vote and he won't get mine.