Friday, October 16, 2020

Biden's Last Nite Goofs

Poor old Joe Biden didn't cover himself with glory last night. Of course, you might respond, "When did he ever?" and be mostly justified. 

Breitbart, no friend of Biden, has a list of 15 things he said that range from flat-out lies (the Boilermakers' support) to ill-advised (capping all fracked wells) to insane (trusting 8 year olds to decide to undergo gender reassignment medical procedures). 

I dare you to read the list and, having done so, imagine Biden as your president. He makes flamboyant Trump look, by comparison, like the very soul of probity. 

After winging it all his life, Biden has finally reached what Lawrence Peters called his "level of incompetence." That is, the level at which he is out of his depth and cannot function effectively. His advanced age has more than a little to do with it.