Tuesday, October 6, 2020

The Samizdat Function

This morning on RealClearPolicy there’s a link to a Politico article with an intriguing title.

Why the right wing has a massive advantage on Facebook

More or less completely missing from the argument made there is the pervasive left wing bias in the legacy or “mainstream” media, including at Politico. It’s likely Facebook has become an outlet for viewpoints that are mostly unwelcome at The New York Times, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, USA Today, Minneapolis Star Tribune, etc. as well as at the three main TV networks, plus CNN and MSNBC

I’d argue it is the “Fox News phenomenon” revisited. When half the populace only has one news channel which is sympathetic to their world view, it will be the ratings killer Fox routinely is. The other half is spread across everyplace else. 

With progressives controlling most media as tightly as did the old Soviet Union, the few places which permit right wing opinion become latter-day samizdat. No more nuanced explanation is needed.