Thursday, October 1, 2020

Pardon Obama

Politico magazine asks the question:

Is Prosecuting a Former President Worth It?

It has never been done, but the leftists who dominate the discussion at Politico seem to believe Trump has crossed a red line somewhere and might therefore be an exception.

The article doesn't mention what I believe is the main reason to give ex-presidents effective immunity. If we stop doing so, one of them - facing prosecution - will refuse to leave office. 

Prosecuting former leaders raises the stakes to the point where a leader literally cannot survive losing an election and still remain in his country in retirement. It is a very third world kind of behavior. 

Fear of prosecution is the reason third world leaders corruptly stash stolen fortunes in Switzerland or the Caymans. It is so they can live abroad in luxurious exile if forced to flee.

We're doing too much third world shtick now, let's not add prosecuting presidents out of office. Much as Nixon conspired to cover up a crime, Ford did the right thing in pardoning him. 

I think President Trump should pardon ex-president Obama. Imagine the heads exploding if he did so, starting with Obama's.