Friday, July 20, 2018

BLM HQ to Move West links to a Daily Caller article reporting the Department of the Interior plans to move the headquarters of the Bureau of Land Management, aka BLM, from Washington, DC, out west to maybe Denver or Salt Lake City. This is good news, most of the land the BLM manages is west of the Rockies and a thousand miles or more from DC.
The BLM manages 248.3 million acres of public land, more than any other agency, according to a March 2017 report by the Congressional Research Service.
Among other things, this will save the BLM travel money. Regional managers won't have to go cross-country to reach "the flagpole" as HQ is sometimes called.

Aside #1, this is old military jargon, as the flagpole on a base or fort is in front of the commandant's office. Aside #2, BLM in the press in the last 3-4 years more often referred to Black Lives Matter. This sounds odd to long-time westerners who are accustomed to, if not always happy about, the Bureau of Land Management in their communities across the West.