Wednesday, July 25, 2018

MA - Mother of Presidential Losers

Howie Carr writes some good stuff for the Boston Herald, including this which I’m embarrassed to say never occurred to me till I read his column. He snarks:
Virginia used to be called the Mother of Presidents. Massachusetts is the Mother of Presidential Losers.

What is it with the national Democrats’ fascination with Massachusetts?

Look at the record: Ted Kennedy, Mike Dukakis, Paul Tsongas, John Kerry. Fool me once shame on you, fool me four times, five times … what’s up with that?
His point is that Democrat front-runner-for-2020 Elizabeth Warren is another potential loser resident in, you guessed it, MA. To which I’d add that GOP presidential loser Mitt Romney came off a stint as Governor of the Bay State.

MA is an outlier on the U.S. political spectrum, about two standard deviations to the left. I suspect it is because so many colleges and universities are domiciled there (>30).

My conclusion: Coming from Taxachusetts isn’t a good look for presidential candidates of either party.