Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Mueller - Out of Bounds and Unrepentant

Power Line's Paul Mirengoff writes something sensible about the timing of the Mueller indictments of 12 more Russian GRU officials.
It is not the business of the special counsel to influence U.S. foreign policy and/or domestic politics — whether by creating added pressure on the president to raise topics with a foreign leader, by supplying him with ammunition to use in such talks, or by supplying the president’s political opponents with ammunition to use against the president for holding the talks.

Should we assume that Mueller’s timing was intended to achieve one or more of these objectives? Absent a persuasive alternative explanation, I believe we should. His team is full of partisan Democrats and, in all likelihood, Trump haters.

Mueller has failed to maintain the appearance of political neutrality and therefore is not entitled to the presumption of it.
And why the one-sided emphasis on Russian attacks on Democrats? It is not merely speculated but known that Republicans were also targeted, see a RealClearInvestigations article which makes this point. As has Chairman Devin Nunes.