Monday, July 2, 2018

Ethnicity Trumps Socialism

About the young Hispanic Democratic Socialist woman who beat a long-time Democratic Congressman  in the primary, blogger Don Surber provides home truth:
The district is 49.80% Hispanic, 18.41% Non-Hispanic White, 16.24% Asian, 11.39% Black, and so on.

Do the math. A Hispanic candidate has three times the likelihood of winning in that district than a non-Hispanic white person has.

This is what New York City politics has always been about: ethnicity.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez won because she is Hispanic. The Hispanics in the district looked around and voted for one of their own.
Her socialist redistributionism is incidental - possibly attractive to a relatively poor, majority-minority voting population - but incidental to shared ethnicity. Surber is correct about the key role of ethnicity in NY politics.