Thursday, July 26, 2018

Polls in Turmoil

The senior blogger at Power Line, John Hinderaker, does a nice column trying to make sense of the conflicting polls ahead of the November midterm election. He points to a poll which finds Americans believe the Democrats are out of the mainstream of American politics. And a conflicting poll which finds a majority intend to vote for a Democrat to be their Representative. He concludes:
So how can we make sense of all of this? We can’t. Voters increasingly see the Democrats as extreme and out of the mainstream–no surprise there, since they are. Many Democrats want the U.S. to follow in Venezuela’s footsteps, but don’t want to admit it. Meanwhile most voters, while sensing this, also want the Democrats to control Congress.

My guess is that the polls are missing major currents that will become clear, as in 2016, only after the votes are counted. What those currents will turn out to be, no one really knows.
Perhaps voters prefer divided government so the gridlock that perpetually typifies Washington becomes easily understood, easily explained.

Another couple of years of Speaker Pelosi is revolting to contemplate. She was plenty bad when she was able to say what she meant. Now she's exhibit A (for Alzheimer's) of the mumbling gerontocracy.