Monday, July 2, 2018

Wind Sown, Reaping Whirlwind

I often find the writings of Andres Oppenheimer for the Miami Herald a useful guide to Latin America. “Often”... but not always. He writes today about the Ortega regime killings in Nicaragua as though we should all be worried about them, and as he notes, our governments aren’t much concerned.

I have my own theory of why there is little outrage, and little support for the civilian uprising against the Ortegas. I suspect the widespread attitude is that Ortega was picked by the Nicaraguans who knew of his clearly demonstrated anti-democratic leanings.

Tough darts, Nickys, you got what you asked for and now discover you don’t like it so much ... it’s your problem, not ours. You get to solve it the usual Central American way, with bloodshed.