Saturday, July 7, 2018

Factions Within the EU

COTTonLINE has been skeptical of the EU for several years. The nations within its boundaries have very different histories, traditions, and value structures, not to mention languages. Those differences begin to tear at the EU’s fabric, which is fraying.

Chatham House has a good article on three major views that represent differing visions of what the EU might, or should, become. The three individuals associated with these views are Merkel of Germany, Macron of France, and Orban of Hungary.

Make no mistake, however, there are those who hold each view in most EU member states. The new Italian government, for instance, shares anti-immigrant views with Orban, as do the Poles and the Austrians.

Merkel is no longer the undisputed “leader of Europe” and in fact recently had to back down on her open borders stance. Macron wants more wealth transfers to the poorer parts of Europe from the wealthier, which naturally enough are loath to engage in handouts to the less provident.

On top of all this, the Brits - voting to be “out” - are headed for the EU's door. And so it goes.