Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Winning Ugly Beats Losing Nobly

Ed Driscoll, who blogs at Instapundit, posts an insightful quote from historian Victor Davis Hanson about how President Trump is viewed.
Trump was a populist nemesis visited upon the hubris of the coastal culture. When he took on “fake news,” when he tweeted over the “crooked” media, when he railed about “globalists,” when he caricatured Washington politicians—and ranted non-stop, shrilly, and crudely—a third of the country felt that at last they had a world-beater who wished to win ugly rather than, as in the case of John McCain or Mitt Romney, lose nobly.
Trump reminds me of two well-known quotes by Coach Vince Lombardi:
  • Show me a good loser, and I’ll show you a loser.
  • Winning isn’t everything, it’s the only thing. 
Style points take you only so far, winning takes you all the way to the Oval Office.