Monday, July 2, 2018

Foot-Shooting 101

The Wall Street Journal’s Peggy Noonan is on “book leave,” meaning she gets time off from her weekly column to put together another book, the nth of her collection. She’s back in the fall, we hope in time to share some pre-election thoughts.

In the meantime, a choice thought from her last column, now almost two months old, looking at the self-damage done by the latest White House Correspondents’ Dinner.
It is, functionally, elite journalists telling half of America: We hate you. It’s as if they break out of their “This just in” face and say, “You know how you think we don’t share your values and respect your views? You know how you think we’re biased, self-infatuated twerps who think we’re better than you? It’s true! We do! Ha ha!”
Bad enough to hold such views of your audience, much worse to put them on public display for all to see. It’s getting the spotlight, grabbing the mic, and announcing proudly, “I’m at least as big a jerk as you thought; actually I’m much worse and I want to prove it to you.”

It reinforces President Trump’s “press as enemy” meme. Something they claim to hate but actually take pride in.