Sunday, July 22, 2018

New Poll Numbers

Generally speaking, folks weren't all that pleased with Trump's comments following the Putin meeting in Helsinki. Given that, the results of a new Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll show his popularity rating has not taken the expected hit.

Eighty-eight percent of Republicans approve of his performance, either somewhat or strongly. Nearly 3/4 of those said "strongly." Eighty-nine percent of Democrats disapprove of his performance, 9/10 of those "strongly." Thirty-six percent of Independents approve and fifty-eight percent disapprove.

Rolling all three groups together, he gets approval from 45% and disapproval from 52%. These are some of the highest numbers he's gotten so far in this poll.

One thing is certain about Donald J. Trump - he is a polarizing figure, relatively few folks are ambivalent about him. Fully 3/4 of those polled say they feel strongly one way or the other, only 1/4 are in the "somewhat" categories.

Yeah, I guess we already had a sense of polarization, didn't we? Tech note: when percentages do not add to 100% it is because a few respondents had no opinion.