Monday, July 2, 2018

White Millennial Men Go GOP

Instapundit links to a Daily Wire story reporting a Reuters/Ipsos poll. Daily Wire writes:
A Reuters/Ipsos mega poll of 16,000 respondents found that in the last two years, support for Democrats among millenials plunged from 55% to 46% while their support for Republicans has only dropped from 28% to 27%.

Even worse for Democrats, in the last two years, support from white millennial men has gone from the Democrats leading Republicans by 12% to the Republicans leading by 11%, a shocking 23% shift.
Reuters/Ipsos adds:
The shift away from Democrats was more pronounced among white millennials - who accounted for two-thirds of all votes cast in that age group in 2016.
Slowly but surely the Democrats’ emphasis on identity (victim) groups is turning whites into a self-identified identity group with the predictable results, they’re trending Republican. And not just whites but also those who identify with whites, which includes many Hispanics and Asians. When your opponent is shrinking his “tent,” it behooves you not to interrupt him (apologies to Napoleon).