Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Happy Birthday, U.S.A.

Today we celebrate the birth of this great nation. If we’re among those who actually studied the history of that founding, we celebrate the brilliance and insight of those gentlemen who authored its founding documents. Names like Jefferson and Madison, Adams and Washington come to mind.

In the crude current vernacular, “they done good.” The independence they declared, and the constitution they eventually wrote, continue to serve us well over two centuries later.

If by current standards they were flawed individuals, it behooves us to remember they didn’t live by “current standards” but by the standards of that day. By any set of standards what they accomplished was phenomenal.

The DrsC have visited over 100 countries and liked many, but we always feel something special when we come back to the U.S. It’s home and, for all its flaws, there’s no place we’d rather live. And to keep its unique flavor, we need to keep the world’s poor from flooding in their millions to our shores.

Our personal celebration will consist of driving nearly 200 miles to see “the best fireworks west of the Mississippi” which happen each year in Idaho Falls, courtesy of the Melaleuca™ firm.