Monday, July 30, 2018

World's Toilets to Increase

Somewhere the ghost of Sir Thomas Crapper is smiling. Bloomberg reports India, the world's most (or second-most) populous nation, is on a national toilet building spree. The government is making an effort to get its people to stop defecating in the fields and woods, which heretofore most rural (and some not-rural) people did. Hat tip to Drudge Report for the link.

The column comes with a photo of one of the newly installed units. I'm sorry to report they appear to be installing Asian-style squat toilets at and below ground level, rather than first-world style units upon which one sits. Nevertheless, it's better than leaving feces on the ground everywhere.

When we cruised there several years ago, stopping at four ports up the west coast of India, we saw a largish sign proudly denoting a "Toilet Complex," identifying all the various porcelain facilities available therein. It was near the former Portuguese colony of Goa. We found that sign a unique touring experience, as I suppose you would have as well.