Saturday, July 14, 2018

Saturday Snark

Power Line’s Steven Hayward has been collecting fun stuff all week and here it is, the weekly collection of cartoons, captioned photos, and snarky slogans. Some favorites described:

Photo of Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren in a crowd, Sanders speaks:
You know we may be the Democrats’ only hope.
Warren replies:
What do you mean “we,” pale face?
Photoshopped™ mashup of Elizabeth Warren wearing fringed buckskin standing in a restaurant seeking a table from head waiter Donald Trump. The dialog:
She: I’d like a table.
He: No.
She: Why not?
He: You don’t have a reservation.
Photo of the Statue of Liberty, with this caption:
So there I was minding my own business and a Democrat starts climbing all over me & touching me inappropriately
Wonderful photo of the leaders at NATO, Trump is grinning and Theresa May is looking down aghast and holding her hands maybe 10” apart. Captioned:
I understand now
They’re this big and made of brass.
Photo of London, with cartoon Baby Trump blimp floating. Underscored with a CNN-style chyron with this Breaking News headline:
UK: Non-Muslim Baby Spotted
Londoners in shock to see first baby not named Mohammad in 15 years
Photo of PM Theresa May on phone, voice balloon has her saying:
Hello, is that IKEA? I need a new cabinet.
Bizarro™ cartoon of man entering plea before judge:
He: Fox News made me do it.
Judge: So you’re pleading not guilty by reason of Sean Hannity?