Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Deathwatch Status Report

When a parliamentary government is trying to fall, as the May government in the U.K. seems to be doing, those of us who watch and await the end call what we do a “deathwatch.” It is a morbid term to be sure.

For those following this story, the Daily Mail (U.K.) reports several more resignations, which by their count now number seven. Meanwhile May tries to ride out this particular tempest, hanging on by her fingernails. What miracle she expects to save her I cannot fathom.

An earlier article reported the process by which her party leadership could be formally questioned requires 48 MPs to send a letter of non-support to the so-called “1922 Committee.” I have read elsewhere the number having already done so was up to 42 earlier today.

Trump is headed for the U.K. and NATO. It’s unclear with whom he’ll liaise in Britain, if May’s “duck” has gone lame in the interim. Maybe he’ll meet unofficially with the supporters of a so-called “hard Brexit,” perhaps the resigned Boris Johnson and David Davis?

That would be a diplomatic scandal, and thus very much something Trump might like to do. We’ll keep a weather eye on developments.