Monday, July 16, 2018

Brexit Status Report

If you're following the ins and outs of Brexit, as the Theresa May government approaches the exit date next spring, has an update on the Tory "hard" Brexiteers forcing May to back down on some of the less palatable aspects of her Brexit negotiation plan.

As the article makes clear, May's coalition consists of Tories who are for "hard" Brexit, others who seek a "soft" Brexit and yet others who hate the whole idea of Brexit and wish to kill it. Whatever pleases one group ticks off another, or maybe both "others."

Her task is like being a tight rope walker who is pelted with nerf balls from all sides. It would serve them right if she just quit, but chances are there's no one else in the Party who could get the bare majority she's got.

The impossible Ireland/Northern Ireland border issue is still tying everybody in knots. I'd guess the odds on a "no deal" exit are going up.