Monday, July 16, 2018

Having Really Stupid Enemies

Whenever you get depressed, feel the need for a pick-me-up, you can count on Kurt Schlichter over at Townhall to write something so laden with overwhelming sarcasm/snark as to evoke an involuntary giggle from even a confirmed sourpuss. Today he writes about Trump’s luck in opponents.
One of the secrets of Trump’s success is having really, really stupid enemies, enemies who are so tone-deaf and out-of-touch that they simply cannot adopt commonsense positions that resonate among normal Americans. The establishment instead insists on telling Americans that up is down, black is white, and girls can have penises. Nope.

No wonder the Normals have gotten militant, and no wonder a leader like Donald Trump came along with the vision to exploit the opening the establishment left for an outsider to rise and prevail by embracing the obvious.
How stupid? Democrats have yet to accept they cannot win, in the foreseeable future, with a white, straight presidential candidate of either cisgender.

The GOP has most of the white, straight cisgender vote locked up. Credit the Democrats who accidently converted them into a new identity group, one whose interests go zero-sum against the identity groups Democrats represent. That’s stupid-on-steroids.