Sunday, July 15, 2018

Occupied France 2.0

A French scholar, Dr. Guy Millière, writing for the Gatestone Institute, pens something profoundly sad about jihadi violence in beautiful France.
"France is at war, and leaves the enemy in peace", wrote the journalist Ivan Rioufol recently in the daily Le Figaro. Macron and the French government, however, do not seem to think that France is at war. They speak and act as if the enemy has won and as if they want to gain some time and enjoy the moment before the final surrender.
Read the whole thing; Millière demonstrates clearly he is not exaggerating. When the tourists finally become fearful and stay away, that will be the wakeup call France heeds.

The "it's not safe to travel there" feeling is beggaring Egypt. France could soon be next followed by Germany, parts of Belgium are already unsafe in my opinion.