Wednesday, June 7, 2023

A Wake-Up Call

Last Saturday I wrote about the many talented people now seeking the GOP nomination for president, and in passing mentioned Governor Scott Walker. I noted he was one of several governors with great conservative records who failed to achieve the presidential nomination.

Today comes a brief but very solid Wall Street Journal column by former Governor Walker about what he learned by running against (and losing to) Trump in 2016. I'll give you a flavor of his advice but recommend reading it in full. 

In a nutshell, Walker learned this the hard way.

I should never have listened to the consultants who told me to play it safe and run on my record.

In retrospect, I should have embraced risk and laid out an aggressive agenda.

Take a risk and lay out a bold vision for the country. Sell it directly to the voters.

I heard Gov. Christie try to do that last night. Trump has already said he'll end birthright citizenship for babies born to people here illegally or as tourists, meaning it's a fight he is willing to have. 

Gov. DeSantis, are you listening? What's your conservative vision for the U.S., besides stopping "woke." What is your positive program to move the US forward? 

How about curbing trade with China and reshoring our manufacturing? Actually caring for the mentally ill and addicted? Requiring DAs to prosecute and incarcerate criminals? A national right to work law? Replacing all the weaponry and munitions given to Ukraine?