Friday, June 16, 2023

Weird Biden Blooper

President Biden went to the University of Hartford for a meeting on gun safety. At the end of his prepared remarks, he signed off by saying the following cryptic words.

Alright, God save the queen, man.

After which statement the President left the stage. No clarification of his intent has been offered by his people. 

Keying off the fact that Pride month was recently celebrated at the White House, perhaps Biden was wishing gays well, using an old, disrespectful slang term for gay men. He is certainly old enough to remember this usage, and perhaps addled enough to believe it funny.

Alternatively, it could be a reflection of his proud Irish ethnicity and consequent hatred of all thing British. In that case it would seem to mean something sarcastically unpleasant about the late Queen Elizabeth II.

However you slice it, the statement was in extremely poor taste. Someone should ask the DNC if their nominal leader's closing comment reflects party orthodoxy?