Wednesday, June 21, 2023

The Summer Solstice

The summer solstice occurs today at roughly 9 a.m. MDT. It is the longest day and hence shortest night of the year in the northern hemisphere. 

Here in the Rockies we aren't experiencing total dark until roughly 10 p.m. Beginning today the days begin getting shorter, a process that continues until Dec. 21. 

Three months from now on Sept. 21 the day and night will each equal 12 hours. On that day, summer will end, having begun today. 


The other DrC and I drove a small motorhome to Alaska and back in the early 1980s, quite an adventure. We were in Fairbanks on or near this date. I remember stepping outside at 1 a.m and was able to read a newspaper without artificial light. I didn't stay out long, the mosquitoes were thick.

We've also been in St. Petersburg, Russia, at roughly this time in June. Coming back to our hotel from the ballet, we've seen the locals out enjoying the bright, late evenings which they call "white nights."