Thursday, June 8, 2023


This has been an unusually rainy spring in the high country. Few days have passed without at least some rain. Lots of cloudy skies too, of course. Temperatures have been pleasant actually - mid-60s to 70s.

The snowpack on the surrounding mountains is melting and the stream levels are high, with some minor flooding in low-lying areas where no one builds. Our nearby reservoir is nearly full, but the overcast skies haven't encouraged much boating. It has taken awhile but we've adjusted to the altitude.

"White day" was more like "white week" this year, but those blossoms are gone now and the wild flowers have begun. Early arrivals are dandelions and arrowleaf balsamroot. We've seen one field with lupin. We're both sneezing a bit with the pollen.

This is a beautiful time here, the green leaves are young and fresh, as are the grasses. The snow on the surrounding mountains is picturesque and the whole thing feels like a young Julie Andrews should be singing in the meadow about the hills being alive with the sound of music, at least when the sun is shining.