Wednesday, June 7, 2023

The Kidnapping Hoax

Someone is flying illegal immigrants to Sacramento from, I believe, New Mexico. CA Governor Newsom is livid. He has called it “kidnapping” the migrants, which is preposterous, even by his low standards.

California is famous, thanks to Hollywood. People all over the world think “California” when the USA is mentioned. The idea CA is the best part of the US is widely held, even if no longer actually true.

The DrsC know this from personal experience having traveled widely in South America, Europe, and Asia. It seems half the people you meet have a cousin or a sister in Los Angeles.

So, ask a bunch of illegal immigrants who’ve crossed the border into Texas if they’d like a free flight to CA. I’ll wager half or more will answer some version of “si, ja, oui, da, hai or yes.” It’s like asking kids if they’d like candy. Coercion need be no part of this equation, plenty will volunteer. 

Newsom doesn’t like having his “sanctuary state” bluff called. He faces plenty of problems at home without some ill-wisher sending him more.