Sunday, June 18, 2023

Trump a Debate No-Show?

RealClearPolitics’ Philip Wegmann writes a nice description of the introductory event IA Sen. Joni Ernst hosted during the first weekend in June. The event is called the Roast and Ride and involves roasting a pig, riding motorcycles, and introducing all those pursuing the GOP nomination to Iowans. 

Wegmann, who may know something of motorcycles, includes many cute references to the riding thereof. This year only one - Mike Pence - actually rode but all of the others showed up except former President Trump. He was of course invited by Ernst.

She called Trump, who sent word that he no longer does multi-candidate events.

To make his story about Iowa flow, Wegmann lets that comment go unremarked, but it seems to me there is something lurking there. The RNC’s upcoming candidate debates are “multi-candidate events” and, taken at face value, the “word” seems to mean Trump will not participate in them.

There have been rumors Trump believes he should have been gifted the nomination like Biden, without all the folderol of primaries. Perhaps he will choose to act as if the nomination is his by right. And perhaps he finds the RNC’s requirement to support whoever wins the GOP nomination a deal-breaker.

How much legitimacy will RNC debates have if the polling front-runner for the GOP nomination - Trump - doesn’t show up? Not much, I’ll warrant. This could be a weird primary season (he wrote hopefully).