Tuesday, June 6, 2023

Christie on Character

Former NJ Gov. Chris Christie has announced he seeks the 2024 GOP presidential nomination. On Fox News I heard a decent amount of his announcement speech given to a group in the early voting state of New Hampshire. 

I expected it to be ho-hum and was actually impressed at his no-notes delivery. He gave a competently argued historical perspective on what America has been, is no longer, and should be again.

His main point was that the last three presidents have lacked character and pursued divisive policies. Christie specifically called out by name Obama, Trump, and Biden as having lost the narrative of "a big America on the move."

His emphasis on the issue of "character" is particularly an attack on Trump. I'm a long way from endorsing Chris Christie, but he doesn't lack political skill. 

Full disclosure: he could conceivably be a distant cousin, I have relatives with that family name. I'm told it's Scots from the Fife area.