Wednesday, June 14, 2023

A Warlike Species

A Norwegian naval officer with years of ship command has written about a problem that occurred in their navy. A pseudonymous American naval officer, who writes for Substack as Cdr Salamander, has translated it from Norwegian and indicates it applies in the USN too.

If naval matters are of interest to you, go read what Salamander wrote. What I want to share with my audience is Salamander's conclusion which applies much more generally.

You have to have an effective military at war, not one optimized for peacetime efficiency. One does not begat the other. Peace is only the comfortable period between war. We are a warlike species and war is the default condition of our species and the nations we form.

I presume you don't enjoy his characterization of our species, I don't either. But like it or not, we need know only a smattering of history to see his description IS painfully accurate. Hat tip to Instapundit for the link.