Saturday, June 10, 2023

Trump Indicted

Donald Trump has been indicted on 37 counts of federal crime in regard to the presidential documents stored at Mar-a-Lago in Florida. I don't know whether or not he is guilty of some or all of them. Trump is accustomed to behaving in a somewhat high-handed manner and in his hubris may have broken laws.

The fact the trial is set in Florida works in his favor, he is more likely to get jurors who were Trump voters. My point in writing today is that others in high office who also held federal documents inappropriately have not been similarly charged. 

I mention President Biden himself, former VP Mike Pence, and in slightly different circumstances, Hillary Clinton. A quick web search will show all three had issues which are well-documented. But only Donald Trump has been charged.

I am uncomfortable with lawfare. People using the law as a weapon against political enemies isn't a tradition in this country. 

However, the precedent has been set; as someone commented, the Rubicon has been crossed. Next time we have a Republican administration expect to see prominent Dems. under indictment. None of this takes our country in a better direction.

In that context, perhaps the main reason old Joe Biden is running for reelection is to keep Hunter and perhaps himself and the rest of the Biden crime family out of prison. So long as Joe's in office, and his appointees run the DOJ, they are relatively safe.