Sunday, June 25, 2023

Prior Trump Voters React

Salena Zito writes some of the best grassroots political analysis being done these days, often as here for the Washington Examiner. Today she talks to people who watched Trump being interviewed by Bret Baier, and concludes as follows.

There is a nuance that many reporters and strategists are missing. Namely, you can still have loved Trump for what he did as president, still think his policies were good for the country, still appreciate his willingness to go to the mattresses for the country, still think he is a victim of a political witch hunt — and yet and still not want to vote for him in 2024.

Zito has described my feelings almost exactly, certainly better than I would have and in fewer words, too. I will vote for Trump if nominated, but prefer a fresh Republican face with less baggage. 

I also liked her comparing Trump reciting his grievances to the Festivus segment on Seinfeld. However, he reminded me of the peevish Brando line from On the Waterfront, "I coulda been somebody, instead of a bum."