Monday, August 26, 2019

The Field Narrows

NBC News lists the Democrat presidential aspirants who have qualified for the September debate.
The 10 candidates who have qualified already include: Biden; Warren; Sanders; New Jersey Sen. Cory Booker; Mayor Pete Buttigieg of South Bend, Indiana; former Housing Secretary Julián Castro; California Sen. Kamala Harris; Minnesota Sen. Amy Klobuchar; former Texas Rep. Beto O'Rourke; and entrepreneur Andrew Yang.
Apparently the deadline for qualifying is two days from now, on Wednesday. If anyone else qualifies, something NBC thinks unlikely, the debates will be on two nights as the stage holds a maximum of 10.

If the list above is the final card, they'll all be on one stage on one night, head to head. This should be interesting as Warren and Sanders are in a dead heat with Biden in the latest poll.

I predict several more bye-kus to be composed soon.


I do hope Democrats follow their collective heart and nominate someone with whom they totally agree, with whose policy promises they completely resonate. That should make Trump's job much easier.

The employed realize it is they who will pay for all the "free stuff" being promised. They know who will be taxed to pay for health care for illegals and free college for everyone who'd rather not work.

It's always Joe and Jill Sixpack who can't dodge the tax man. It's not the uber-rich. They hire lobbyists to promote, and fancy CPAs and tax attorneys to find, esoteric loopholes and tax shelters.