Thursday, August 1, 2019

Weird Cardio Science

Instapundit links to a UPI article reporting research on coronary heart disease. The JAMA Cardiology finding in brief:
Anti-inflammatory biologic medications that treat psoriasis may also help to reduce coronary inflammation, and prevent heart attacks in the long run.
What was done:
For the study, the researchers examined 134 people with moderate to severe psoriasis with minimal cardiovascular risk. None of the patients received biologic therapy three months leading up to the study, and all of them underwent CT scans at the beginning and end of the study.

The researchers noticed the biologic therapy substantially reduced coronary inflammation in patients, even those with coronary artery plaque buildup.
In February, another NHLBI study reported that psoriasis biologic drugs like Cimzia, Enbrel, Humira, Orencia and Remicade may reduce heart disease in patients by keeping arteries clear.
About which, Instapundit comments:
It's becoming increasingly clear that heart disease is an inflammatory disorder. 
Which suggests entirely new and promising avenues of treatment for this often fatal disease.