Friday, August 30, 2019

Barr's Non-Prosecution Decision

The DOJ Inspector General's report on former FBI Director James Comey's retention and leaking of government documents is out. The IG made a criminal referral but Attorney General Bill Barr decided not to prosecute.

I believe AG Barr owes us an explanation of his decision since it generates spooky echoes of Comey's decision not to prosecute H. Clinton for similar offenses. That was an outrage, this is more so.

If there are good reasons why prosecution of Comey is inappropriate or ill-advised, AG Barr should be willing to share those with his employer, the American public. Perhaps the answer is a simple as "we feared a jury would believe his claim the memos were his personal property, not FBI property."

I'd like to believe the decision reflects a planned prosecution of Comey for something much more serious than leaking in a town infamous for leaks. Something like perjury or conspiracy. I fear it does not.

And while I believe Barr owes us an explanation, Comey owes us an apology for violating the Hatch Act which bans political activity by unelected federal employees.