Sunday, August 11, 2019

Epstein Update

Some new data points have surfaced in the Epstein prison death narrative, gleaned from a variety of sources. First, it is reported there is no video of his 'suicide.' I haven't seen an explanation for this lapse.

Second, the two guards on duty are said to have been pulling serious overtime for the previous week and this, somehow, supposedly excuses their failure to check on Epstein, a known suicide and assassination risk.

Third, apparently Epstein was only on "suicide watch" for a week, and that watch had ended two weeks earlier.

Those of us who've watched various spy films know that arranging for surveillance video to malfunction is considered standard practice for sophisticated malefactors. Bribing a prison shrink to drop the suicide watch shouldn't cost an unreasonable amount, maybe a few hundred thou. Ditto for arranging for "creative" scheduling to give the guards a fig leaf excuse for their dereliction of duty.

The whole thing shouldn't cost more than, say, $3 or 4 million in bribes and another million to the organizer.  That amount is chump change to the horny heavy hitters who were threatened by what Epstein could reveal if he turned states witness.