Thursday, August 15, 2019

Decoding the Message

In "restarting" his presidential campaign, Beto O'Rourke announces he won't be a candidate for the senate. His words, from Politico:
O'Rourke said of a Senate bid, “That would not be good enough for this community. That would not be good enough for El Paso. That would not be good enough for this country.”
Let me unpack that statement for you. O'Rourke ran against Texas' less popular Senator, Ted Cruz, and lost. His next opportunity would be to run against John Cornyn who is more popular and harder to beat.

Since everyone thinks of O'Rourke as a Texan from El Paso, he can't easily carpetbag to some state with a less challenging opponent. So no senate run for Beto, at least not in 2020.