Saturday, August 3, 2019

Illegal Immigrants As Violent Felons links to a Breitbart story based on work done for the Las Vegas Review-Journal. The issue is the proportion of inmates in Nevada prisons who are illegal immigrants. Breitbart writes:
The Las Vegas Review-Journal’s Arthur Kane obtained federal, state, and local records to reveal that about 1-in-14 inmates across Nevada’s prison population are illegal aliens — totaling to about 1,000 illegal aliens who have been convicted of crimes in the state.

Kane’s analysis finds that nearly half of Nevada’s illegal alien inmate population were convicted of violent crimes against Americans, including:

  • 150 illegal aliens convicted of murder, manslaughter, or attempted murder
  • 320 illegal aliens convicted of sexual assault, including 240 child sex offenders
People were 'shocked, shocked' when candidate Donald Trump said Latin America was sending us criminals. This is one time when we sort of wish he'd been wrong, sadly he was correct. The article adds these 1000 felons cost Nevada $21 million a year to incarcerate.

Nevada is a small state, with roughly 3 million people. Imagine what the numbers are for a state like California, with 13 times the population. If the 1:3000 ratio holds, CA would have 13,000 illegal alien convicts in the slammer. Actually, I'd bet its twice that.